Encontrar rápidamente y con poca acción en la pantalla principal a: contactos, aplicaciones, favoritos y otros accesos directos usando una poca cantidad de teclas! Te ahorra MILES de pulsaciones de teclas!

SkyeQuiKey - S60 3rd Edition : What does it do?
SkyeQuiKey is an 'instant key-and-find' application using Skyestream's quikFind technology
Quickly find of Contacts, Applications, Bookmarks and Other Data on device
SkyeQuiKey reduces key presses and provides a 'global search' on your phone to quickly find what you want
Integrated seemlessly into the S60 user interface
Predictive-text technology used to minimise required input when entering search criteria
From phones idle screen, start typing and SkyeQuiKey will present a list menu of 'items' found matching the keystrokes
Contacts: Instantly start a call or send a message (SMS, MMS or email)
Contacts: Search for contacts by phone number (a feature not available in the built-in Contacts application
Contacts: Optimized Contact discovery. Contacts will be searched for using name, surname, company and email address fields
Quickly action a 'found' item. A single key-press will allow you to call, text or launch the item
Instant search results: High speed search algorithm used to instantly find and display search results
Configurable shortcuts: With a single click, compose an SMS, MMS, Email message or make a call
Frequently used activities also listed in the SkyeQuiKey main menu, for example: new SMS, new MMS, new Email.

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